It’s Time - Masterclasses

Systemic-Design Master Classes

Systemic-Design disrupts and continues the world


From the beginning of human history, humans have engaged in design activities – designing – but little is known, still today, of its true nature or full potential. Familiar approaches to designing and design education no longer match the real-world necessities and expectations of modern societies. Systemic-design does.


In order to meet these challenges, an inclusive and deep ‘conversation’ — “a turning together in the same place and space” ­— about systemic-designing needs to be created and maintained.


The master classes in systemic-design are designed to be catalysts in the development of shared understandings of what systemic-design is, can be, and is desired to be — some common ground for the ‘place’ and ‘space’ to have generable conversations about the aim and outcome of systemic-design education and practices — preparation and praxis.


These Master Classes are precursors to the establishment of a formal venue — a Center for Advanced Systemic Design and concomitant Systemic-Design ‘Flight’ School — for the capacitation of emerging systemic-designers and their allies.




These initial classes will be augmented by the offerings of other scholar-practitioners in systemic-designing.


These particular courses are self-paced — not tied to specific times or locations. Future courses will be interactive and cohort based tied to scheduled times and locations.

The first session is free. Subsequent sessions are fee based.

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who are the master classes for?



nascent (coming-into-being) systemic-designers



incipient (developing) instructors, mentors, & guides for nascent systemic-designers



emerging systemic-design scholar-practitioners



future cohort and alliance members of high performance systemic-design teams



dedicated champions and guardians of systemic-designing activity in the real world

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designing systemic designers

  center — advanced systemic-design

systemic-design center’s triad

 I  advanced systemic design flight school

II   institute for advanced systemic design

III   academy for advanced systemic design

A new ‘flight’ school for advanced systemic design is needed because a new normal is needed.

norms are changing

many norms have been disrupted

some norms needed disrupting

new norms need to be created

A school for systemic designing is the requisite response to contemporary challenges.  The purpose of the school is to serve people learning how to think and take action rather than just training them on what to think and what action to take. Such a resource is designed to facilitate access to the world of professional systemic designing. In this context, formal learning and experiential learning move in tandem, forming the foundations for successful practice and life-long learning in advanced systemic design.

design ‘flight’ school


Prospectus - Center for Systemic Design



 Berkeley Bubble

Berkeley Bubble

people, ideas, organizations

From the early 60s through the late 70s an aggregation of exceptional scholars and professionals formed in the Berkeley environs establishing a common bond amongst themselves as well as with networks of scholars, students and professionals globally. They were not in the same disciplines, specializations or professional fields. They were colleagues sharing a common aspiration.

What they shared was a deep interest in, and commitment to, the utility of systems thinking and design action as a means to secure improvements and advancements in the human condition.

This common bond resulted in what I have called The Berkeley Bubble—which was internationally influential inside and outside of academia. Unfortunately, the Bubble began dissipating in the closing years of the last century leaving only echoes of the ideas incubated and matured in this unique crucible.

This project will be a narrative account of the individuals involved,—starting with a doctoral committee composed of some of the key people entrained in this bubble—of their influences on one another and on the world of practitioner-scholars worldwide.

bb 22.png

Berkeley Bubble ‘influence map’