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Ackoff - summary videos


Pt 1


pt 2


pt 3


pt 4


pt 5


Navy 2 day training

Ackoff - Bell Labs



Ackoff - action, interaction, def of system


Ackoff video - Elevators and mirrors


Ackoff videos Vimeo - Navy Talks


Ackoff video - Mexico


Ackoff YouTube

 Ackoff systems video (poor quality)


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Anthropocene video (narrated)


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Overview Effect video


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Julian Hector’s ‘mural’ studying design

Julian Hector’s ‘site’ studying design


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Werner Ulrich Home Page

Systems thinking, systems practice, and practical philosophya program of research (1988). Systems Practice, 1, No. 2, 1988, pp. 137-163. [ISSN 0894-9859] 
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