Recent Publications, videos, and interviews.
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Why a Design ‘Flight’ School? re Design Flight School
What is systemic design? re Design Flight School
Interview by Shrikant re Design Flight School
Interview re CJ Fearnley’s Bucky Fuller’s ‘comprehensivity’.
Keynote - Systemic Design Education: Emergent Pedagogy for Architect Scholar-Practitioners
Emerging Pedagogies in Architectural Education, Assoc. India Architects
Archipelago of Design member interview
Executive Master of Systems Oriented Design
Oslo School of Architecture and Design
Systems +
guest lecture
RSD 9 Symposium Harold Nelson keynote
Well-being by Design: Think Different
Design in the 21st century
Monash health design
why design thinking
putting design in its place
lame gods
Nierenberg lecture
2001 ISSS President’s Speech
2001 ISSS Past Presidents meet students
Interviewed by Farheem Samad
Systemic Design, Real vs True in the Era of AI and Design Paradigms – Designers Beyond Portfolios. 7/6/23
Protopia interview by Robert Voight - Advancing into the Future the Design Way
Podcast interview by Greg Williams. He had questions to ask after reading The Design Way (Nelson – Stolterman, MIT Press 2012).
Harold G Nelson, and Robert Sandusky (2013), The Experience of Becoming a Member of a Systemic Design Team; A one-day workshop for experiencing systemic design teams as self-organizing social systems. RSD2 Workshop description AHO, Oslo, Norway
Nelson, Harold and Stolterman, Erik(2024) El camino del diseno; Cambio intencional en un mundo imprevisible. 2nd Ed. (Spanish trans) Ciudad de Mexico. Fondo de Cultura Economica
Nelson, Harold and Stolterman, Erik (2020) The Design Way; Intentional Change in an Unpredictable World. 2nd Ed.(Chinese trans) Beijing, Posts & Telecom Press
Nelson, Harold G., and Stolterman, Erik (2012). The Design Way: Intentional Change in an Unpredictable World; 2nd Ed. Cambridge, MA. MIT Press,
Nelson, Harold G., and Stolterman, Erik (2003). The Design Way: Intentional Change in an Unpredictable World; Foundations and Fundamentals of Design Competence. New Jersey: Educational Technology Publications.
Nelson, Harold G. (2019) The Promise of Systemic Design: Giving Form to Water. Learning, Design, and Technology. An International Compendium of Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy. Springer, Cham, DOI Spector, Michael J.; Lockee, Barbara B.; Childress, Marcus D. (Eds) Springer Nature Switzerland AG.
Bransford, John, Susan Mosborg, Michael A. Copland, Meredith A. Honig, Harold G. Nelson, Drue Gawel, Rachel S. Phillips, and Nancy Vye (2010). Adaptive People and Adaptive Systems: Issues of Learning and Design. Second International Handbook of Educational Change . Series: Springer International Handbooks of Education , Vol. 23 Hargreaves, A.; Lieberman, A.; Fullan, M.; Hopkins, D. (Eds.) The Netherlands: Springer Science + Business Media.
Nelson, Harold G. (2008) Design Communication: Systems, Service, Conspiracy, and Leadership. Dialogue as a Collective Means of Design Conversation. B. Banathy and P. Jenlink (Eds.) New York, NY: Springer US: 2008.
Nelson, Harold G. (2004), Holism: Design as the Basis of Human Civilization. Mind the Gap! On Knowing and Not-knowing in Design .W. Jonas. (Eds.) H.M. Hauschild Gmbt, Bremmen, DL
Journals, Reports & posts
Nelson, H. (2021). Systemic Design Inquiry: The Reconstitution of Sophia—The Wise Hand. Academia Letters, Article 503.
Nelson, Harold G.(2007) Simply Complex by Design. Performance Improvement Quarterly, Vol. 20.2: 2007 (97-115).
Nelson, Harold G. (2005) A Whole Systems Design Approach to Decentralized Governance for Human Development. Decentralized Governance Programme, Democratic Governance Group, Bureau for Development Policy, United Nations Development Program.
Nelson, Harold G (2005) The Design of Design Learning: The Graduate Programs in Whole Systems Design — A Reflective Case Study. Doctoral Education in Design Conference, Tempe, Arizona
Nelson, Harold G. (2004) Bela H. Banathy :The Legacy of a Design Conversation. Systems Research and Behavioral Science, Vol. 22.3: 2004 (261-268).
Nelson, Harold G., and Stolterman, Erik (2003). Design Judgment; Decision Making in the “Real World”. Design Journal, Vol. 6.1: 2003 (23-31).
Nelson, Harold G. (2002) The Legacy of C. West Churchman: A Framework for Social Systems Assessments. Systems Research and Behavioral Science Vol. 20.6 (2002): 463-473.
Nelson, Harold G. (2002) Systems Science in Service to Humanity: Lip Service? Room Service? Self Service? Protective or Military Service? Social or Public Service? Full Service? In Systems Research and Behavioral Science, Vol. 19.59: 2002 (407-416).
Nelson, Harold G. and Erik Stolterman (2002). Design Judgment; Decision Making in the “Real” World. In Common Ground, edited by D. Durling and J. Shackleton. Staffordshire, UK: Staffordshire University Press.
Nelson, Harold G. (2002) Yearbook Edition, Systems Research and Behavioral Science, Guest Editor; International Society for Systems Science, Vol. 19.3.: 2002
Nelson, Harold G. (2002) Continuing the Traditions of ISSSS – Systems Science in the Service of Humanity. Understanding Complexity, Edited by G. Ragsdell, and J. Wilby. New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers: 2002.
Nelson, Harold G.and Erik Stolterman (2000). The Case for Design; Creating a Culture of Intention. Educational Technology, Nov.-Dec., Vol. XL, No. 6, (29-35).
Nelson, Harold G., and Erik Stolterman (2000). Design as Being in Service. Foundations for the Future. Doctoral Education in Design. Edited by D. Durling and K. Friedman. Staffordshire, UK: Staffordshire University Press, (23-33): 2000.
Nelson, Harold G. (1995). The Recovery of Wisdom: Design Dialogue. The Advanced Design Institute, Fairfax, CA
Nelson, Harold G. (1995) Everything Real is not True.
Nelson, Harold G.(1994) Learning Systems Design. Educational Technology, Vol. 34, No. 1. (51-54).
Nelson, Harold G. (1994) The Necessity of Being ‘Undisciplined’ and ‘Out of Control’: Design Action and Systems Thinking. Performance Improvement Quarterly, Vol. 7, No.3 (22-29).
Nelson, Harold G. (1993) Design Inquiry as an Intellectual Technology for the Design of Educational. Systems. Comprehensive Systems Design: A New Educational Technology. Edited by C.M. Reigeluth, B.H. Banathy, and J.R. Olson, Berlin, Germany, Spring-Verlag, with NATO Scientific Affairs Division
Nelson, Harold G. (1992) Design Learning. General Systems Approaches to Alternative Economics and Values. Vol. 1. Proceedings of the 36th Annual Meeting and Conference, International Society for Systems Sciences: July 12-17: 1992, (581-585).
Nelson, Harold G.(1989) Unnatural States of Health in Natural Organizations. The Well Being of Organizations, edited by C.W. Churchman. Salinas, CA: Intersystems Publications.
Nelson, Harold G. (1987) Other Than Chance and Necessity; Intention and Purpose by Design. European Journal of Operational Research, Vol.30, No.3. Amsterdam, Holland: Elsevier Science Publishers
Nelson, Harold G., Willett Kempton, Bonnie Cornwall and Benson, Peter (Team Lead and Ed.)(1978) Energy Conservation: Policy Issues and End-Use Savings Potential Part 5 of 6, Energy Efficient Buildings: The Cause of Litigation Against Energy Conservation Building Codes, LBL 7876 UC-13, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, CA
Churchman, C West; Nelson, Harold G; Eacret, Kreg (1977), Value Distribution Assessment of Geothermal Development in Lake County, CA, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, UC Berkeley
LBL-6875, 1977